Tuesday, August 18, 2015

When working out a nap time just won't work

In my perfect world...I would wake feeling refreshed after 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep an hour before my family. This would allow me to workout, shower and enjoy my breakfast while doing my devotions as my children wake up chipper, agreeable and ready for the day. The baby would nap at the same time every day for at least an hour and I would be able to get my household chores done. The other perfect scenario would be that I could do my workout at nap time, but that has NEVER worked for me.

In reality...I set my alarm for 6:00, but the baby was up at 2 am and 5:45 am to eat and won't go back to sleep. He takes FOREVER to eat, so when 6:30 rolls around we are finishing the bottle and big sister walks in and tries to crawl in the chair with us because she is only half awake and needs some morning cuddles. He's finished, but she needs breakfast. Moms don't need to eat or shower, let alone work out or have a quiet time, right?!? Are ya with me to this point? I quickly give up on the idea of sitting down for a real breakfast, getting in a workout until maybe the evening and hit the audio button on my YouVersion app so I can at least listen to a few verses while I do the dishes at some point during the day. I mean, working out at nap time never works for me because my kids are allergic to scheduled naps. The evening is no better because after dinner and bedtime I just want to spend time with my husband and my wonderful bed.

Have you been there? It can be a rough existence but it doesn't have to be. I don't have it all figured out, but I am improving. Without further ado, here are my tips for making healthy habits a priority with kids:

1.  Give up on perfect. It just won't happen. I often have a baby crying or a diaper that needs to be changed, but with at-home workouts I can press pause, take a mommy timeout and then go back to pressing play.

2. Figure out what works best for you. I found that if I didn't workout and do my devotions first thing in the morning I would just keep putting it off. That might not be the case for you. Maybe you have a different "sweet spot" time. My other "sweet spot" is after lunch when both kids are awake and have just eaten. Whatever else needs to be accomplished during the day has to happen then or it just won't happen. 

3. Remember that each day is different. If it works one day, your kids will probably switch it up on you the next day. That's OK! When you make it a priority, you'll make it happen. Or if it just doesn't happen one day because of a sick older kid and teething baby, don't let it derail you! Get back on it the next day.

4. Make it a priority. Once again, make it a priority. If you are a list person, add it to the top of your "must do" list for each day.

5. Make it an expectation of daily life for your kids (and you). My daughter is learning that to worship God (part of which is taking care of my body), mommy does her workout and bible study every day. She knows it's coming and isn't surprised by it. We talk about WHY we should do these things as we get set up to do them.

6. Have an arsenal of independent activities your older kids (toddler and up)
  • Busy bags are a great way to start. Check here for my favorites.
  • Have a washable table cloth and coloring supplies at the ready.
  • Have picture bibles or get the Bible for Kids app.
  • Find some great educational games. Tiny Hands makes many of our favorites. As a former teacher and mom, I can tell you that these are HIGH quality activities that develop their minds, fine motor skills and independence. 
7. Have them join you. In all honesty, if my daughter has just rolled out of bed she will lay on the couch and watch me workout, but she doesn't join me even when wide awake. She does join me with my bible study even if it's just sitting at the table with me while doing one of her quiet activities. I love the Bible for Kids app because it will read her the bible stories and she can interact with them independently while I do my bible study. I love being able to be an example to my daughter of making time for my health, both spiritual and physical.

8. Give yourself some grace. As mom's we tend to show grace to everyone but ourselves. We need to remember that we are sinners saved by grace. We are going to screw it up. It won't always be pretty. We need to acknowledge what we are using as excuses, make a fresh start (again) and find some accountability. For me that takes the form of helping lead Bible study and becoming a Beachbody coach. When I have others relying on me, I am more likely to follow through. 

Here's an example of a typical day in my house:

Way too early: little man wakes up and takes a bottle30 min later: Put him in the swing or excer-saucer and workout. The girl usually gets up and comes to lay down on the couch and watch me.30 min later: Get the girl breakfast and take a shower.Ten minutes later ('Cuz mommy showers fast!): Make my Shakeology and get the little man his breakfast30 minutes later, or until they won't cooperate any longer: Put the little man in the swing with a Praise Babies DVD for a rest, hopefully a nap but rest time works too. Get the girl set up with a quiet activity and do my bible study. 

It's not always pretty, but we make it work because they are priorities for our family. I hope that this can help you as you find a way to make your health a priority so that you are better able to care for your family. 

Friday, August 7, 2015

Wow!! God has been doing a great work in me. He is addressing my lack of self-discipline through my desire to be a healthy example for my kids. I have struggled with trying to eat healthy and get active for years. With the birth of my little man, I realized that God has blessed me greatly with a wonderful husband and two beautiful children. I wasn't honoring His creation (me) or caring for my family the way I should if I was filling my body with junk and constantly feeling sluggish. Enter an old friend and Beachbody and God has opened the door for me to become a Beachbody Coach. I am excited for where this path will lead. If you want to follow my journey, both spiritual and in my health, I would love to share it with you. 

"but those who hope in the Lord
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
    they will run and not grow weary,
    they will walk and not be faint."
Isaiah 40:31