Thursday, January 7, 2016

Hammer and Chisel: Day 4

REST! Today was a day of rest. It was so needed. Both for my body and for my spirit. It is so tempting to feel like we are losing control when we rest or getting behind, but it is essential. Our bodies, minds and spirits need rest. It is how they process what has happened and grow. We know kids need their rest in order to learn and to be able to grow. But, we start thinking as adults (especially us moms) that sleep is a luxury. Depending on our phase of life, rest may seem unattainable, but we need to make time for it. This may not mean that I can get a solid 8 hours of sleep or a solid hour of Bible study and prayer time, but it does mean that I need to carve out time for those things. I need to prioritize them over other things. That's exactly why I am going to end this post here, lol. I need to get some sleep! We all know how important rest is, so I challenge you: FIND A WAY TO REST OR REJUVENATE THIS WEEKEND!

I wrote a post about the spiritual journey of this day that you can check out here on my other blog page. Grace and peace to you all.

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