Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Hammer & Chisel: Day 22

Hey mamas! Do you ever have one of those days (or weeks... or months...) where you wonder if anything you are doing is getting through to your kids? You hope that you are setting a good example. You pray that it will all sink in even when there are few signs that it is. 
Today was one of those days that I said "Thank you, God!" When I first started this journey, my daughter was all about being active with me, but she has just not been into it lately. She has also been wanting tons of snacks and not wanting the veggies that she usually loves. Today, it seemed like it all clicked. I came out from my (failed) attempts to get my little guy to take a nap to find all of my workout stuff set out for me. Melt. My. Heart! 💗 This girl is so sweet! She also wanted to take some pictures of us both flexing. She wanted to take pictures of me and me to take pictures of her. We had lots of giggles and fun. Priceless memories being made. 

It was so tempting to just not workout at that point. My little guy wasn't very happy as he was refusing to sleep and my neck and shoulders were giving me trouble, but my girl set herself up next to me and did her own "workout" with her 7 minute trainer for kids app several times over. It pushed me forward, even when my little guy wanted to be held or play on the ground by me. My big boy upped my weight for step ups 20lbs compared to last time I did ISO Strength Chisel, but I did it and he played happily the rest of the time so I could finish. 
There are so many days as a mom that I wonder if taking the time during the day to do my devotions and workout is worth it. Trying to get up before my kids doesn't work (they just get up earlier) and in the evenings, I want to spend the time as a family and with my husband. So during the day is usually the "best" option for me. But it means using nap time or finding ways to occupy my kids to get those things done. It means they usually aren't uninterrupted. You know you've pressed pause a lot when your workout takes 10 min longer than it should. Or when it takes you 10 minutes to go through one paragraph in your study guide, you know that you have been interrupted a lot. So why try? Why do I take that time and not use it around my house or spending more time focused on my kids? 

Here's what I have come to realize. I AM taking care of my kids when I spend time in the Word and improving my health and fitness. If I don't do those things, I become very stressed and irritable and am not the mom and wife I want to be. I'm not the person I want to be! Is it worth sacrificing the time on these two "self-focused" endeavors? For me, the answer is absolutely. They make me better as a person and in my roles of wife and mom. And on days like today, there is that glimmer of hope that the effort will pay off. Maybe not today and maybe not even tomorrow, but my kids will know what my priorities are and that my spiritual and physical health make keeping all those other things possible. 

Oh, and today my girl made her own dinner out of things in the fridge: peppers, carrots, cucumbers, ham and a dill pickle.😁🎉

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