Sunday, January 10, 2016

Hammer & Chisel: Day 6 and 7

It could have been so much worse!
Day 6: Chisel 
I got my day going with a great workout. It pushed me and I felt great until the decline push-up and planks with knee taps. Those killed me! Those kind of moves are always a reminder that just about a year ago, I had a c-section. I was completely ok with having a csection and the my recovery was pretty quick, relatively painless and an all around good experience. BUT! I completely underestimated how long it takes those muscles to heal after having been sliced through. However the other exercises reminded me that I am going to need to get some heavier weights sooner than expected. I stepped on the scale just to see where I was at after my eating noodles not being the greatest while battling a cold with soup. I lost 4 lbs and even more of my pants are starting to sag more than they did last week. Peggie's for the next 2 months because I am not getting any new pants until this program is done!

Day 7: I have been sore all afternoon, especially in my shoulders! I will say this, it would have been really easy to wimp out on this workout. Most of the moves are not technically hard, but if you don't push yourself with heavy enough weights, you won't get as much can out of it. I was excited by how well I pushed through using the heaviest weights I have. 
Today Carl Daikler posted that he wasn't quitting he was rebooting. I think tomorrow I am rebooting for my nutrition. My workouts have been on point, but my nutrition still needs to be dialed in a little more. So, here is to dialed in nutrition and continuing to push in my workouts.

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